Nieuwkoop Route

8 hour (37.5 km)

A beautiful route that will keep you busy for a day! Start in Woerden, the city where there is always something going on. Cruise past beautiful picturesque cities such as; Nieuwerbrug, Bodegraven, Zwammerdam, on to Nieuwkoop. Enjoy the beautiful water flora, but also the liveliness and friendliness of the people. Make a stop in Nieuwkoop for a snack and a drink. Pass the authentic lock via the Grecht back to the beautiful Woerden.

Sights on this route

Starting point: Westdam 2
3441GA Woerden

Cheese Warehouse | Cheese Experience

VVV Woerden
Emmakade 6 A
3441 AJ Woerden
Cheese Warehouse | Cheese Experience
2415 AA Nieuwerbrug aan den Rijn
Zuidzijde 132
2411 RX Bodegraven
Spoorlaan 19
2471 PA Zwammerdam
Noordenseweg 23
2421 XW Nieuwkoop
End point: Westdam 2
3441 GA Woerden